Can federal stimulus plan save the U.S. economy ?

Government may help and resolve the economy by the introduction of the money datevaluation as an investment's subtitute giving enlarged option for the people economic activity. Can you imagine if you just link money-to-money for much-more-money ? Because by the money datevaluation practice through the web is the way to resolve the Classic Economic Trilemma : - if you spend, you do not save and you do not invest ; - if you save, you do not invest and you do not spend ; - if you invest, you do not spend and you do not save . The money datevaluation is like a finantial fast-food sandwich to resolve your personal-savings-motor keeping your cash just in webcashfishing position by your own webcashmotor. How do you think that it is possible to save on one interest rate base ? This Classic way is out of reason because it is out of results. Nothing to eat. Just investment taking risks way to purchase wealth target. It is not great neither good. So the FED may trust into web-connections just giving conditions for the communications motors-money for the personalized live-savings creation. And even if under googledepending agreement, the money datevaluation webdevice stimulus may resolve. Yes. Easy to do. Because ( the practice of the personalizated linking money-to-money) you make webcashmatic plusvalues rolling over cash for daily cash results. Of course the Government may implement the Owndated_Timestock_Market giving to the people the CLO opportunity to sell the time of your savings value. Because for the economy arrangement it is not the same to save now or to save latter. Let the people put the webdate of their personalized savings. It will be enought to resolve. The Economy 4G3W is maded by communication motors and it is webpowered. 100% safe (cashkeeping mode), 100% free (free webproduction factors), 100% happy by daily 12h New York cash results. For everybody.

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